Back where we started: Microsoft’s Sins

The book is done, well, as done as it will be until it is actually in print.  I can still change things so I probably will.  If you finish these pages and you want more please contact me.

Above is a link to the book you may download.  I am looking for feedback and other suggestions.

Writing a book is very personal, it is a legacy, and the feelings that go with it are hard to fathom.  Not just that someone is going to be judging my words, but the whole situation.  I was accused of horrible things, and it is all in there.  I am accused of horrible things all the time, I assume everyone who is in business is.  I assume everyone is but just maybe not to their face.

My mother died recently and forced me to re-examine my mortality and those things people have always said about me.  I suppose the reason the book hasn’t been finished is because my reasons for writing the book were not right.  Wanting money, wanting to defend myself, wanting others to join my side, wanting my own way, those are all wrong reasons.

The only right reason is to expose the truth.  So here I am and here is Microsoft.  It is not easy, and it is not simple and it is not inspirational.  It is just the situation I found myself and all the documentation and all the information I could put together in digestible form.  Please enjoy and please let me know what you like or don’t like about it.

Copyright Kent Johnson.


About Kent

Professional writer and aspiring publisher.
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