Assume I am lying

Assume that so many others are pirating Microsoft software even if I was innocent.  Assume they HAVE to go to court and prosecute some innocents like me just to protect themselves.  There are just too many of us to worry about whether or not some of us are innocent or not.

If so, why such secrecy?  Why does EVERYONE but me sign a confidentiality agreement?  Why do they claim to be making $40 millions in money agreed to in these confidential documents?  Why does Orndorff fly across the country, twice, to avoid settling when he is aware that I have broken no laws?

Why does every congressman and every politician Microsoft  contributes to want to give them MORE power to put people like me out business with the SOPA and PIPA laws? 

The answer is greed.  And a bit of machismo, I guess.  They must be thinking that if they let me off they have to let others off as well, they will look soft.  So they screwed up letting me settle without confidentiality.  I can talk to anyone about everything.

Greed motivated Microsoft to wrongly accuse me of piracy.  Greed motivates our congressmen who give them the laws they use to prosecute innocent people like me.  Sure, no one cares.  No big deal.  Microsoft accuses lots of people, and no one knows if they are innocent or guilty because it is all confidential. 

Microsoft claims to have made $40 millions from these pirates in court settlements, all confidential.  And they claim they need stronger laws to prosecute more people confidentially with more power.  They need the power to close businesses while they prosecute, before they show that any laws have been broken.

And our congressmen will go along with them because they get their portion of that $40 million.  And the Justice system by which they prosecuted me without ever showing I broke any laws at all profits as well.  They all want confidentiality because it is such a mess, we are better off not knowing, unless and until they prosecute YOU.

Copyright 2012 Kent Johnson

About Kent

Professional writer and aspiring publisher.
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